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Meta page for the AE Zoo

The Authenticated Encryption Zoo is a collection of AEAD (authenticated encryption with associated data) schemes, listed in alphabetical order, that have been submitted to the CAESAR competition. The Zoo is inspired by the SHA-3 Zoo hosted by IAIK - TU Graz.

Similarly to the SHA-3 Zoo, the main focus in this Zoo is to keep an up-to-date overview of cryptanalysis results on the CAESAR candidates. This front page will provide an overview of the candidates, their properties/features and a link to the internal wiki page for each scheme. In the scheme-specific pages, we put cryptanalytic results and references to specifications and related works.

For discussions on the CAESAR candidates we refer to the official CAESAR newsgroup.

This wiki is hosted by DTU Compute at the Technical University of Denmark, and is maintained by

  • Farzaneh Abed
  • Stefan Kölbl
  • Martin M. Lauridsen
  • Christian Rechberger
  • Tyge Tiessen

If you have any questions or comments regarding the AE Zoo, please send an e-mail to aezoo at compute dot dtu dot dk.

aezoo_info.txt · Last modified: 21/02/2015 14:32:20 by mmeh