====== FASER ====== ===== The Algorithm ===== * Author(s): Faith Chaza, Cameron McDonald, Roberto Avanzi * CAESAR submission: [[http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round1/faserv1.pdf|FASER]] * [[https://maps.google.com/maps?q=32.904506,-117.193953&num=1&t=m&z=17|Location]] ===== Status ===== FASER was withdrawn by the designers with the following message: > Thanks Xiutao for the analysis. Thanks Dan for organising. > Please remove FASER from the competition, drag it out the back, and shoot it in the head. ===== Cryptanalysis ===== ^ Type ^ Authors ^ Reference ^ | Key-recovery attack | Xiutao Feng and Fan Zhang | [[http://www.amss.ac.cn/xwdt/kydt/201404/t20140411_4088765.html|Paper]] | | Correlation attack | Chao Xu, Bin Zhang and Willi Meier | [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/crypto-competitions/faser/crypto-competitions/ytwJ43GMJuQ/bA6WM4E1CLsJ|Cryptographic competitions]] |